Det bästa som skrivits om läget i Ukraina – Ryssland. Nu.

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Gideon Rachman i FT den 4 april i år “The breaking and making of Ukraine”

Russia’s efforts to cripple Kyiv’s infrastructure have failed. The lights are on. The trams are running. Cafes that would not look out of place in Brooklyn or Berlin bustle with customers…..

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But there is also a sense that Ukraine is finally breaking free from a tragic past — and that a future as a peaceful and prosperous European country is within reach. Peace, if and when it arrives, will offer a chance to rebuild the country’s physical infrastructure. But some of the social damage inflicted by the war may be irreparable.

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Russia’s policy of kidnapping Ukrainian children has an added poignancy. That crime has led the International Criminal Court to bring charges against President Vladimir Putin. It epitomises the lawlessness and brutality of Russia — the main reason why so many Ukrainians are utterly determined to break free from Moscow’s grip. The safe harbour that Ukraine is aiming for is the EU. While Russian imperialism is built on violence and cultural suppression, the EU represents a different sort of empire — one that you have to apply to join and is based on law and the voluntary association of nations.

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But the war finally shocked Brussels into action. Olha Stefanishyna, the 37-year-old Ukrainian deputy prime minister in charge of European integration, says that the EU’s decision to grant Ukraine official candidate status just months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion was a transformative moment. “It gave the troops at the front — and the people in bomb shelters — inspiration and hope for the future.”

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Fear that the west’s support may be fickle hovers in the background of many conversations in Kyiv. But, whatever the current diplomatic situation, the bigger picture is that Ukraine has now achieved an international status that is unlikely ever to disappear.

A new generation of leaders, led by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, have proved brilliantly effective in making the case for their country.

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This war has helped to make us visible and we’ll never disappear again . . . It is regrettable that it has taken thousands of deaths. But that’s the way of the world.”


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Om Håkan Gergils

Håkan Gergils är född i Uddevalla och har varit verksam i Aktiespararrörelsen, bland annat som ordförande i Aktiespararnas Riksförbund 1976-1981. Intresset för innovationspolitik resulterade i ett analysarbete för industriforskningsinstitutet Acreo i slutet av 1990-talet. Sedan fortsatte forskningen om innovationssystem inom ramen för ett stort projekt på Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle, SNS, och ett antal böcker författades, en till och med på kinesiska (översättning). Under senare år har Gergils varit verksam vid Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA, inom innovationsprojektet "Innovation för tillväxt" som Senior Advisor. I IVA:s nya projekt "Innovationskraft Sverige" är han med i styrgruppen, som leds av Rune Andersson. Idag är Gergils även Senior Advisor till Entreprenörskapsforum och arbetar även med uppdrag för andra företag och organisationer.

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